Japan Pictures taken by our friend Scott Pierce

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Yokohama Lights and Ice!

My goal was some Christmas lights! I miss the lights of Temple Square. If there was just one childhood tradition I could bring to my kids, that would be it. I loved bundling up and heading to Temple Square in Salt Lake City to see the thousands and thousands of lights surrounding the temple. Mark and I have been married for twelve years and we've been able to do this once. (These pictures were taken in 2007. I had forgotten how cold it was in Utah!)

I'm not complaining. We've had some amazing opportunities and the kids have had experiences I couldn't have imagined as a child. I just wish I could teleport our family to SLC for a couple of hours each year.

This year I was looking for something in the ballpark, not spiritually I guess, but at least with the lights. Yokohama City Center had an amazing display. Lights, lights and lights for sure, but more like Vegas lights....
not quite what I was hoping for, but fun in a different way.
In the Red Brick City Center, they had set up an outdoor Ice Skating Rink.

Can you believe it's the first time Mark has ever been Ice skating? He had so much fun!
He picked it up so quickly.... in another life he could have been quite the Hockey player I think.

It was Max and Lillian's first time too....

Lillian was a natural, and was practicing turns by the end of the afternoon. Max, always very cautious, hugged the walls, but still had a great time!

Tobias and his friend kept safe and busy on the sidelines.

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