Japan Pictures taken by our friend Scott Pierce

Friday, November 28, 2008

No More Naked Angel Babies.

So for the last couple of days these little frames have been turning up in my bedroom. One set in the bathroom, another on the vanity table, and then today two on the bed. I didn't think much of it at first. Lillian is always in and out, dropping Barbies, scattering my shoes. But when I asked her why they were off her dresser she explained, "They're yucky. Gillian (her best girlfriend) says 'Ewwwwwe'. And they're naked. So we could keep them in here, okay?
And so it starts....I've embarrassed my child. I had picked up these little postcards years ago, not thinking much of it....but apparently Lillian doesn't approve. A little to risque for her taste.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Have you read this book? It is the cutest ever and Lillian just loves it. Max spotted it at the book fair and brought home for her (funny how he knew the story by heart already). It's about a little girl who eats so many pink cupcakes that she turns pink herself........and she Loves it! But to turn back she must eat lots of green, healthy things...Yuck. It seems a lot of the fun ideas the kids want to try start with a favorite book. So of course we had to see if it could be true.......

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Scrumptious Baby!

These pictures may not be appropriate for the web, but I couldn't help myself. Tobias is so delicious with all his chubby wubby fatness........ I could just eat him up! He is going to kill me when I break these out for his future wife. Max calls this 'Abstract Fat'.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Marine Corps Ball

We had a great time celebrating the birthday of the Marine Corps at their annual Ball this weekend. Mark works with Marines at the SWFPAC Command, so it was unique chance for the Sailors and Marines to integrate so well. (There really wasn't very many sailors there.....and I felt kind of bad for their 'Cracker Jack' uniforms in contrast to the Marine dress uniform). It was such a sharp sight to see everyone so decked out.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

This Is Where The Magic Happens?

Perched on my lap as I peruse the latest updates, etc. I wonder what Tobias must be thinking. He is a super grabby grabber and WANTS the keyboard so bad. Maybe he has a lot to blog about. 'The Baby Blog', Coming Soon: Why is my mom staring at this screen and not my adorable face?

Take a guess! No, we aren't torturing apples...

Max had a four day weekend this last week and just to be sure he wasn't bored, he also had a backpack full of homework and extra credit projects. I felt great about consistently pacing the work, reading/math/reading/spelling, spreading it out throughout the days. We even tackled the optional sea life research projects. The last assignment (worth an additional 5 blue slips), was to build your own sculpture of a Sea Urchin. I looked throughout the house for the usual suspect of crafting materials, playdough (didn't have any), pipecleaner (nope), toothpicks (nope), at this point I was out of ideas and stumped. But Max really wanted those extra 5 blue slips. This is what he came up with ............all on his own. He is really excited about it.

Friday, November 7, 2008

My New Do!

I'm not sure which of the bizillion hormones women have during and after pregnancy that is responsible for the bizarre hair experimenting urge. I can say that whatever it is, I must get double the dose. When I was expecting Max I started with 'Why don't I try out bangs' that later turned into 'Why not Dixie Chicks short'?(2001)..........
(I'll tell you why not......there is no faster way to 'Mom' hair, than by chopping it all off when you still have 65 pounds to lose). After Lillian is was the "I think I'll splurge and buy the highlights-at-home-kit." ....I may have even contemplated a perm.....I regained my senses though.
This go-round, I played it safe and didn't touch it the whole time. (Partly because Mark has figured me out and kept telling me to leave it alone). Soooooo............ after exercising great restraint for almost a year, I've finally went and did it.......cut it all off again.
I feel so exposed.
I always experience haircut remorse for about a week afterwards.......... Oh well, I think I'll grow it out again.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Technology Is Our Friend..........

.......but is it that passive/aggressive friend that is always trying to make you feel stupid?
Mark needed a new watch. He's not a crazy big spender for the bling factor, but he is a sucker for seemingly useful features like compasses, altitude measurement records and barometric pressure sensors. This is the instruction manual.............. seriously!
Call me 'old-school', but I'm all for the face watch. It screams "I can tell time" (and I don't know how to program a digital one).