Japan Pictures taken by our friend Scott Pierce

Friday, December 31, 2010

A Homemade Christmas

Durben Style! I bet your picturing knitted scarves or cutesy crafts.......but that just wouldn't really be us.
Max felt strongly about giving gifts this year, and in particular that they should be hand made. "It just makes it special" he said.
He spent a couple of days popping in and out of his room asking for paper, newspaper, and more and more tape......... He wanted it all to be a surprise.....but three rolls of tape later......I was starting to wonder.

Early Christmas morning, overflowing with excitement he ran to his closet to pull out the 'presents'...........

He had made Mark a gun. Out of paper.

He had made Lillian a Sword Set. Out of paper.

He had made a Bracelet for me. Out of Ninja Stars.

And a Skull Mask for Tobias. Out of paper.
I was very impressed! And proud that he had put so much thought and effort into each gift. It was a nine year old boys true expression of love for his family............. and weaponry.
(Linking the two must be a genetic trait from Mark ;0)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy Christmas!

I've always liked the way that sounds. Sometimes, rushed with party pressures, gift buying and goodie baking......I can forget to focus on the Happiness of the season. (Mark has always been good about reminding me that a lot of my pressures are self-inflicited.........in the heat-of-the-moment, I might not always appreciated the reminder......but he has a point) Creating a blissful holiday season should be about enjoying the moments along the way. I really tried to do that this year. I also had to learn I can let go of ideas and plans.....and it would be okay (actually a HUGE relief).
Our Christmas season was pretty low-key this year..........and I liked it.
(I didn't like the weeks of flu and tummy bugs that kept us down, but it kept us close to home and family focused)

WOW! We need a new family picture! As I looked through my latest folders, I realized it's been almost two years. We were ruined by Katie. She did such an amazing job, I can't find a follow up. This is the best we have this month......

I guess it's time to break out the ol' tripod and head to the park.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Enoshima Island

Tobias and I have turned into quite the little 'day trippers'! I may have mentioned.......... I love the spacing of my kids! Some of my favorite memories are of little adventures I've shared with each of them while the others were off in school.
In warmer days we explored Enoshima Island and it was beautiful!
The entry corridor is surrounded by restaurants and fresh markets. As a sample, this is what you have to choose from for lunch........

How is that for selection! My personal favorite is the extensive plastic food menus. (Somewhere there is a factory that makes this stuff....... I wonder if they have set items that restaurants choose from or if they send in pictures of a dish they need in plastic......what comes first the plastic or the food ;0)


The main corridor is lined with shops full of unique charm and sea side trinkets.

Max is starting a collection of model ships and I've hit the mother load! The shops of overflowing with ships, shells, starfish and even giant blowfish. Anyone want me to send them a giant blowfish?

This beautiful Tori gate would make a wonderful backdrop for a family picture, but like most places around the city, you will never find a minute in the day when it's not full of people in the backdrop. At first confused, and only after Tobias threw in 200 yen and splashed in it for 10 minutes, we realized this stream was for 'washing' your money. For luck.

After hours of absorbing the beauty and views we found a yummy safe bet for lunch.......Yakisoba! Nummy!