Japan Pictures taken by our friend Scott Pierce

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Shiner and The First Day

So I guess this is substance for two separate posts...and at the rate I've been going I should take advantage of that and stretch it out....but thinking better of it, it's more likely that I wouldn't post 'First Day of School' pictures until well into October........so I'll lump these all together.
First off, I'm proud to say Tobias has given himself his first official Shiner! Well, not proud of my mom neglect (I was in another room and not totally sure of what happened...something involving falling off the couch)....but proud that he lived through it and my mom response has now transformed into a "...well that will teach you not to do that again." Strange how unfazed you can be with your third child.
Something tells me this won't be the last time....and in fact, with the way he has embraced his climbing skills, we might be posting pictures of a cast soon.

He wasn't upset about his eye. He wasn't in pain at all...... He saw the camera...

He wanted the camera.....
He didn't get the camera.........

and here we go.......

Part Two. Lillian Had Here First Day of School! (I would have liked to have a picture of Max and Lillian together, but apparently I was too slow with the camera and Max took off running, not wanting to be walked to school by his mother. I guess that's appropriate for the third grade. I'll settle for his sneaky hugs, that he still calls me 'Mommy' and that when no one is looking, he'll let me kiss him goodbye.) Anyway, back to Lillian......
she was excited, but as she does, she gets really quiet when she's nervous. She lined up with all the other kids and waited for bell to ring. When the bell rang and the door swung open, she gave a little wave.....and that was it. See ya Mom!

Can I just say............YES!!! Two down, one to go! The last few days have been so QUIET! It takes having three to enjoy how easy one can be!