Japan Pictures taken by our friend Scott Pierce

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Photo Post

We've got a truckload of pictures to share. I'm not feelin' super bloggy, but we have such a backlog of cute picts, I don't want to keep the memories all to myself.......

Let me take you back to our First Day of School!
There was no way Max was going to actually stop and pose........

I think I was the most excited one. I looked over at one of my friends at the drop off and she was actually tearing up. (It was her first/oldest) I remember feeling that way when Max rode off on the Kindergarten bus......................but not anymore!

Lillian's B-Day!Lillian has gotten a little short changed having an August(summertime)birthday. All her friends are scattered, which makes a big party difficult. But back-to-school mode gave me some ideas. We've started a birthday/back-to-school tradition.
Can you say "Makeover"! Lillian can, it's one of her favorite words....... she is always asking if she can give me a makeover......(I'm not sure how I should take that)Anyway, that's what she wanted a complete Back-To-School Makeover!
Lillian was in heaven!

Happy #6 Lillian!

Later that day..............
(seriously, this was exactly minutes later) we took on the...
Raingutter Regatta! Max wanted to pysch out the competition with his skull design. (He is all about drawing skulls lately.....scary)
I think we have a future scout on our hands!

When we moved to Japan, I have to admit that the last thing I thought we would be doing was camping......... but I was wrong about that. As crowded as the cities are, there is a very beautiful and rustic side. (more pictures to come) We've also discovered the ease of cabin camping.......my preference!
Japanese mosquitoes are INSANE! We used a whole bottle of repellent in one night. (It might have had something to do with camping right next to the Japan's mosquito breeding pond......;0(who thought that would be a good idea?)

Happy Halloween!