Japan Pictures taken by our friend Scott Pierce

Friday, November 28, 2008

No More Naked Angel Babies.

So for the last couple of days these little frames have been turning up in my bedroom. One set in the bathroom, another on the vanity table, and then today two on the bed. I didn't think much of it at first. Lillian is always in and out, dropping Barbies, scattering my shoes. But when I asked her why they were off her dresser she explained, "They're yucky. Gillian (her best girlfriend) says 'Ewwwwwe'. And they're naked. So we could keep them in here, okay?
And so it starts....I've embarrassed my child. I had picked up these little postcards years ago, not thinking much of it....but apparently Lillian doesn't approve. A little to risque for her taste.

1 comment:

Fireball said...

I love this post. And I think that if this is the first time you've embarrassed one of your kids, you're doing fantastic. It started for us when A.J. was two - he didn't want me walking him into nursery, he would pretend like he wasn't with me. Kids - gotta love them.