Japan Pictures taken by our friend Scott Pierce

Friday, January 2, 2009

In 2009 I will......

-Give up T.V. (with the exception of two movies a week).

-Teach each child something new, everyday.

-Give Mark a great big passionate kiss, everyday.

-Become more decisive. (meaning faced with non life-altering decisions, count to ten, decide, and move on)

-Give up the "Why distraction".
Over the years I've found it a strange habit to look at someone wonderful....something enviable, something I want for myself....and then get distracted with a "why not me, why didn't I, why couldn't I, why did I......" train of thought.
This has never accomplished anything.
I now have the firm belief that "Why" doesn't really matter. Even if we found out the reason, it will not change our Today.
What matters is "Now I'm going to, Now I will, Now I know.....etc.

This year I will pull out of neutral (maybe even reverse), and move towards who I want to be.

-Continue blogging, I love this outlet! It has finally given me a reason to put my brain into first and second gear.

-Stop taking pictures with us looking directly into the camera.

-Learn how to improve the quality of the pictures I take.

-Discover my personal style, and stick to it! Stop shopping on the clearance rack only. (An ugly shirt is still ugly....even if it's $6.00) I'll save money in the long run, by not coming to my senses later and chucking it.

-Try a new activity, place, game, restaurant, book, or experience with the family once a week.


Danae said...

TV is something we have yet to find middle ground on! I think it might come to getting rid of cable all together!

Great list! I think I might still a few!

Whitney said...

You're resolutions remind me of a great quote
"Don't waste time with asking why, just ask what you can do and eventually the why presents' itself"