Japan Pictures taken by our friend Scott Pierce

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Embrace The Wind

This crappy picture is relevant and important because:
A. I finally figured out how to take a picture with my fancy, new, and instructions still in Japanese cell phone! It's not great, but I was proud to stumble along and make it happen. (I've later since been able to change some of it to English.....Yes!)
Anyone want to call a Japanese cell phone? Try 090.4203.8222

B. I've learned to embrace my fine, thin, straight and very flat hair. I'm letting go of the fight against it and will accept that this is what it will look like for the next three years.........whether I spend 20 minutes fussing and fluffing...or not....IT WILL END UP LOOKING LIKE THIS the second I step outside.

C. Monsoon winds! The weather here is a strange mix. It's HOT, HUMID (worse than Hawaii....can you imagine?), but windy and stormy at the same time. It's tricky for your senses....you look outside and gear up with a coat, hood and umbrella.....only to find it's waaaaay to hot for a coat, the hood blows off and the umbrella gets flipped inside out. CRAZY.....glad I stored the patio furniture.

D. This is what I look like while waiting for the bus.....playing with my camera phone.........which I do a lot! Still no car.....


The Shaw Family said...

Keep the umbrella for later. You'll need in in February! Have you adjusted to the train yet? It took me a couple weeks to figure it out. I remember waiting 1 1/2 hours one time for "my" train. Little did I know, I could have taken the previous 6 trains going that direction!!!
How do you like the branch? Have they been welcoming? Keep enjoying the newness of it all!

Cecily R said...

KATE! Holy cow! I had no idea you were in Japan...what a loser friend I am...

I'm glad to hear you are all adjusting so well (not sure I could stay the same. Just moving to Bountiful was a weird culture shock for me).

P.S. I think the pic is cute. :)