Japan Pictures taken by our friend Scott Pierce

Monday, June 1, 2009

Language Collision (or Confusion)

Check out Max......... He is signing along with a Spanish song while living in Japan! (No...I didn't misspell that....I meant sign language)

You can imagine my surprise upon realizing that he was placed in a Spanish Immersion classroom just three days after arrival. Normally I would have been excited by the challenge.....maybe at the beginning of the school year. But with just weeks to go....it's caused a bit of an ego blow for poor Max (who was honestly having enough trouble with English). And aside from the fact that Spanish in Japan wasn't making a lot of sense to me either...?
Oh well. On with the show! We attended the schools year end Spanish Celebration....

and again I get that Spanish is a very valuable language, but with the melting pot of ethnicity's at his school.....(mostly from Asian origins) Spanish may very well be one of the few languages not already spoken at home.... so are all the kids at an equal disadvantage? This is also the day I realized I need a new lens for my camera. The zoom capability is just not going to work.....I mean really..... I couldn't take years and years of pictures like this.
"Look Mom!....See that little dot right there...?..There I am!"

Keeping Lillian entertained was a chore... so as always, I break down and hand over the camera...

Join me on a tangent...
Am I the only one that over thinks this?
We are sitting in a very packed assembly room. And luckily we arrived early enough to get a chair. After five minutes or so....the place is packed and Lillian keeps hopping up and down...inching her way on the floor to all the other kids.
Leaving an open chair next to me. Some late straggler Dad claims it and sits down.........Fine.
But as I look around.... I'm thinking....Does it look like this guy is my husband? Probably. People that I don't know and have yet to meet will assume so.......And it bugged me!
I'm sure he's a nice enough guy, but I realized how much I enjoy it when Mark swoops in and my second half is introduced. Ya, Mark is crazy and loud and sometimes I shudder at what comes out of his mouth......but I do think he's awfully good-looking and has some serious muscles to appreciate......so call me shallow (or spoiled), but I get a little sensitive about just some random guy sitting so close. I married for love and looks I guess.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Think that learning another language, whatever it may be, requires one to learn based on the knowledge of one own language. So the result is his English is re-enforced, Love. Dad