Japan Pictures taken by our friend Scott Pierce

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lillian's Birthday Day!

Do you have those days when your just touched by how sweet and easy your kids can be.....?
Well I don't have many of those days....... but when they happen, I enjoy every second.
Lillian has always been my sweet angel child (until she's not)....and when she awoke on her Birthday I asked her what she wanted to do?
No big plans.......no big presents......she just wanted to make her Birthday cake, all by herself. So she did.

and she loved it!

he's just here for the marshmallows.


Danae said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Lillian! We love you!

Chelsea said...

So cute! She's a chef in the making!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Lillian, She is really growing up fast!


Grandpa Darrell & Rose

Lilly said...

Happy Birthday Lillian! We miss you!