Japan Pictures taken by our friend Scott Pierce

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Science Project

......look at the little stinker trying to take credit.

This is the year I've heard so much about. The warning that "Kids just get harder as they get older".... now has applicable meaning. I HATE HOMEWORK! (that, and all the sass & backtalk) Anywhoooo, Max has a teacher that loves research projects this year, and in general advises "just look online..;0)..." which is a big no go at our house. This is the third grade! Weekly we're a project team and let me tell you.........it's not easy...... Max is very chatty and particular, have you met him?

He was excited about this Science Project and knew just what he wanted to do..... Make Crystals! All kinds of Crystals, sugar, salt, alum, any other chemicals mom? After heaping on the laundry list of supplies needed......he was done. His contribution was made. It was a painful next six hours with the follow through.

I have to say, when it was all pulled together is turned out pretty neat.

And I think secretly this was the part he was really after.


Danae said...

I love projects but it is all the little paper assignments that I hate! I love your crystal idea I will have to remember it in the future. By the way I can't believe how big Max looks, and he is just as handsome as always!

Chelsea said...

That looks really cool! I never did a science project growing up. Cool experience and memory for him!

ME said...

I love how long your hair has gotten. Your Max is awesome! Korbin is in Kindergarden and he has a shockingly ton of homework and its 5-6 worksheets+vocab+book time. The teacher says she's just preparing us and it looks like shes right! At least Max picks cool projects! Miss you and the house looks awesome-you are so savvy!