Japan Pictures taken by our friend Scott Pierce

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Kamakura on My B Day

Happy Birthday To Me! I turned 'old' again this year....old, older...it's getting scary that I can't stop this train.
I'm trying to stay positive. If you haven't gotten me a gift, just post a comment and tell me how young I still look......... That will do!

The best present of the day was Mark's upbeat and smiley attitude about my sight-seeing plans. He's not much for daytrips...... "to just go look around at 'old stuff'", but because it was my birthday and it's what I wanted to do, he put on a smile and didn't complain once! Thank you sweetie.
This is the entry to the Hachiman-gu Shrine. Hachiman shrines are dedicated to the god of War. It was built in 1063.

The surrounding ponds and streams are overflowing Lotus leaves. I'm guessing people toss in their coins for luck or wishes.

Someone must really need a wish.
After closer inspection we realized this was the 'Holy Wall of Saki'. An homage.

Gankake-Ema, Wooden Prayer Tablets hanging outside the shrine.
Each has a unique stamp or picture and your suppose to write a prayer (or dream) and hang it at the temple or shrine. (But I'm keeping mine.......... this will be a fun collectable).

I finally went to see 'The Great Buddah'. It's Kamakura's most famous sight. Cast in 1252, the bronze statue of the Amida Buddha has survived tidal waves, earthquakes, fires and typhoons.


C. Leah said...

How fun Kate!! I meant to ask you what you did for your birthday. ;) I'm glad you got to go to Kamakura. And you do not look old at all!! I think you are glamorous!!

jajb.lilly said...

Happy birthday! Hope it was great!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, what fun pictures to see! I would love to get in touch again...I just got on facebook again and I can't find you...I forgot what your maiden name is...talk to you soon hopefully...We have some fun news in our family...chelsea